First meal of the day, breakfast, my absolute favorite. I look forward to going to bed in the morning because I know I get to wake up to a fresh brewed pot of coffee. I've been drinking Caribou's Daybreak coffee with a bit a of french vanilla creamer, and pumpkin puree topped with a dash of pumpkin pie spice & cinnamon. On this day, I enjoyed the pumpkin bagels from Trader Joe's topped with plain cream cheese and cinnamon. I typically also enjoy an apply or banana for breakfast.

During the week, lunch ends up being leftovers from the night before. I had a taco salad with spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, salsa, sour cream, queso, cheese and crushed up tortilla chips. Yum! I also had some cinnamon applesauce and a white macadamia nut cliff bar.
If I'm not having leftovers for lunch, I typically make a salad of some sort or a sandwich. I always like to have 2-3 different types of raw veggies to enjoy with hummus, greek yogurt, applesauce, pretzels and either almonds, cashews or peanuts to grab for my lunches.

For dinner, I try to always serve a protein and carb along with some type of veggie. It changes every night because I don't like to eat the same meat, grain or vegetable all week long. This meal was a chicken teriyaki bowl. I marinated the chicken overnight in teriykai and soy sauce then cooked in the oven.
Pro tip - for juicy and moist chicken, fry it in a pan until it reaches 165 degrees.
I paired this teriyaki chicken with a side of whole grain rice, roasted broccoli, cauliflower and peppers and then topped it with some additional soy sauce and teriyaki sauce.
Option to buy or make your homemade teriyaki sauce. I got mine from Aldi and it was still simply delicious!

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I love looking at what other people "eat in a day" and being inspired to try new recipes. All of these recipes are quick & easy, as well as nutritious & delicious.